Have you ever been told that certain foods are 'unhealthy' or 'bad'? Or worse again, has anyone ever asked "Should you be eating that?" as you bite into a delicious treat, only to cause you to feel guilty for even having the treat?
Well let me tell you. No one food will ever be as bad for you as the negative narrative you create in your head around “good” versus “bad” foods. This narrative seeps into our daily lives and leads to over-restriction of the 'bad foods', and we know that restriction leads to the inevitable binging. Why oh why do we do this to ourselves?? Well, it's not our fault, it's the pressure society puts on us. And I'm here to release you from that pressure, because:
All foods fit in a “healthy” diet, and this includes ALL of your favourites!
The reality is that it's the dose that makes the poison. So of course, if we live on ultra-processed foods, soft drinks and wine, the result won't be good. But if instead of focusing on restricting those foods, we focused on adding nutrient-dense, protein and fibre-rich foods to our diets and enjoyed our favourite treat foods in moderation, whatever those foods are (yes, I'm including ultra-processed foods and alcohol here!), we'd all be a lot happier and our path to a healthy weight would be a lot more sustainable.
This is true even when you're in a calorie deficit (which as mentioned in the last post, should never be any longer than 16 weeks). Then, we simply need to plan the favourite foods into our day. For example, this weekend I'll be eating out and enjoying a glass or two of wine while in my calorie deficit. That's a planned event and maybe i'll track it, maybe I won't - but 80% of the week I've been in my calorie deficit and that's success in my book.
So remember this next time you find yourself demonising a food:
All foods fit in a healthy diet - it's the dose that makes the poison!